Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010 Letters To Santa

Letters To Santa
HIGH: We wrote our letters to Santa :) AND We had a nice family party :) AND My cousin Christy is pregnant! :)
LOW: We didn't have time to go and buy a light fixture for the dining room :(

We spent this morning writing letters to Santa and talking about Christmas.  It's a little early I know, but this is the first year that Claire is super into it.  She really gets it this year and is all about Santa.  So when she asked if she could write her letter to Santa, we got out the paper and crayons and got to work!
Claire told me what to write while she wrote her own letter (you can see it on the table).  Her list was interesting but adorable!
Her final letter :)
When we were done we put it in an envelope and addressed it to the North Pole.  Then she got a special sticker for a stamp and we are going to put it in the mailbox for the mailman to come and get it (we will see what he does with it).  When we were done and I was about to clean up, Claire got very upset and wanted to write a letter for Oliver!  So we started all over and she told me what Oliver wanted for his list. So our two letters are done and ready to be mailed!
After nap time we went to my Nonny's house for pizza.  My cousin Christy and her daughter Ashlyn were town with some BIG NEWS!!  CHRISTY IS PREGNANT AGAIN!!!!  Ashlyn had the most adorable onesie on to let us all know that she is going to be a big sister.  Claire and Ashlyn had a blast running around together, they were super cute!!!  

As for Oliver's sleep training, things are going great!  He now only cries for a few minutes and he is out.  He no longer wakes up for the binkie in the night either!!  YAY!!!  The only problem is....the way that Oliver soothes himself to sleep is by rubbing the blanket on his face.  Therefore, he falls asleep with the blanket on his face and he likes to sleep that way!!!!

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