Monday, September 7, 2009

Early Birthday Gift!

High: I got an early birthday gift from Mark and Claire :) AND Claire is feeling better :)
Low: We had to miss a family dinner :(

So, today I got an early birthday gift (my real birthday is Thursday so mark your calendars) from Mark and Claire. Given my new hobby of blogging, Mark and I decided it was time to get a nice camera.

Here she is...Nikki! Isn't she a beauty! The only thing is, I have absolutely NO IDEA what I am doing with her!! Mark and I spent the rest of the day taking pictures of everything from our sandwiches at lunch, to wine glasses, to Peter, and of course Claire (who actually started saying "no more pictures Mama!").

We literally took a bazillion pictures today so here are some of our new shots:

Claire cleaning her ears.

Claire crying. Possibly because she was sick and tired of me taking her picture!

Isn't she lovely? Even with "sicky eyes" :(

Again, I believe she was yelling "No more pictures!".

We had a lot of fun with the camera but there are so many settings and buttons and flashes! Plus, I have no idea what half this stuff even means! Its gonna take some time but I feel that Nikki and I are gonna do just fine!

PS Claire is feeling much better. She was still boogery today but no fever! So that is two days fever free :) She slept most of today and went to bed early tonight so hopefully she can sleep it off. We did have to miss dinner with Baby Owen this evening :( again, don't tell Claire that though.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I can't believe how great those pictures look!!! I can't wait to get my hands on that shiny new camera of yours!