Monday, July 25, 2022

Lake Life

 This summer has been nothing short of crazy.  But I have loved every second of it. This is our first full summer here at the lake and we are still learning how to navigate the whole back and forth between two houses thing but I wouldn't change a thing!

We love when friends and family come out to visit!
Oliver saved like a thousand catfish for his fishing hole.  Our stream from the lake to the fishing hole dried up a bit and Oliver spotted a bunch of catfish struggling so he asked some strangers for a bucket and transported them to larger lake!
He definitely loves fishing and nature and the lake is the perfect place for that!
It was pretty rough when the stream dried up but is has since filled in!
I am loving my afternoon iced coffees!
I finally got my picture wall all settled!
Although she will kill me if she sees this, Claire has been working at the "Shirt Shack" and loves being employeed!

I am pretty sure this is the windiest summer in history but I am still loving sitting on the beach as much as I can!
Oliver has been living his best life with these clowns!  He has a great crew of buddies here and they are together from sun up to sun down. I am so happy for him, he is making such amazing memories!
And he is pretty exhausted from all of the fun he is having!
And I can't say that I  hate taking my walks  here!

God, I love summer!!!!

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