Sunday, September 6, 2020

More Stuff

 With school starting back and trying to get everyone ready for the new school year, I haven't blogged much.  So here I am to do another picture dump of what we have been up to!

Claire is growing up more and more everyday.  She is a lady of the 90s and I just adore this gal.  
We did our school supply shopping and got some fun stuff.  Who knows how this year will end up but we at least I have my planner and that is the most  important thing!
I have been keeping up with my walks and also my treat towards the end.
I am loving my iced coffee treats each morning!

I am navigating my way through all of this new technology stuff for school.  I am pretty good with this stuff and I am still struggling.  I would love to say that I am handling this with grace and staying calm.  The truth is, I am not.  This is literally harder than student teaching was.  I am trying to stay positive and not lose my mind but it is definitely not easy.  School is ALWAYS on my mind and I can't wait until I feel like I can breath again. 

In the midst of all of this, we had an estate sale for Mark's grandparents.  It was actually fun.  We had a lot of laughs and people got some really great things.

I plan to blog a lot but I have a feeling I am going to be all over the place for the next few weeks!  Wish me luck!

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