Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Corona Virus

Right now things are a little crazy in our country (and around the world).  The Corona Virus has pretty much taken over the world and we are all trying to stay healthy and keep it from spreading.  Schools have been closed until April as of right now and we are all encouraged to practice "social distancing" to try to slow down the spread of the virus.  

So far the kids have been trying to keep themselves busy.

 Mark hasn't stopped watching the news!  I am trying to take it in spurts.  Every hour there is something new on and it can get a bit overwhelming.  
 Oliver won't let this stop him from playing hockey!  Even though his hockey tryouts were cancelled !
 Movie nights are a must during this time!
 We stocked up on some books!
And we are trying to make the best out of everything.  

This is all a little stressful and scary but staying positive is a must.  Each day we plan to work on some school work and make the best out of a bad situation and STAY HOME!  I have to focus on the positives.  I am very lucky that I am able to be home with my children right now and not have to worry about my job and I need to keep reminding myself of that!  Each day will be a new adventure!

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