Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 13

Lucky 13!!!  Yesterday was a lazy day.  I feel like I say that a lot lately.  But compared to our usual crazy schedules being home this much feels pretty lazy sometimes.
 Our art teacher is putting together a video for the kids so I put this together yesterday (and combed my hair lol).
 Mark and Oliver caught up on the news.  We really try to limit the news around here.  During the first week we had the news on constantly but that got to be really stressful.  So now we only watch it a little bit throughout the day.  Just to stay current but not to overwhelm ourselves.
 I made my famous breaded porkchops!  They take a while to make and we don't normally have that much time to make them so we don't have them very often.   But since we have all the time in the world, today seemed like a perfect day.
I meant to take a picture of our delicious meal but I didn't take it fast enough and everyone ate up pretty quickly!

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