Saturday, June 17, 2017

1st Grade Awards

Yesterday Oliver had his first grade awards ceremony at school! Oliver had a great year in 1st grade and I am so proud of how well he did!  He worked so hard and learned so much and made so many wonderful friends!
Oliver earned the "Giggle Monster" award.  It was so cute, as his teacher was passing out the award and describing him all of his friends were shouting out "IT MUST BE OLIVER!!" and "AND THAT IS SO OLIVER!!"  It was adorable.
Oliver loved Mrs. Biondo!  After we took this picture he cried because he doesn't want to leave first grade!

Oliver made so many new friends this year!
Oliver and his best buddy Sully!
Oliver and Olivia!
Oliver and Izzy!
Oliver and Avery!
Oliver and Kezia!!
As you can see, Oliver loves the ladies! 
To say that I am proud is an understatement.  Oliver is such a great little person.  He worked so hard in school this year and made so many friends.  He is a great reader and loves math.  I can't believe that he is going on to second grade already but he is so ready for it!

I love you Oliver and I am so ridiculously proud of you!!!

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