Tuesday, March 26, 2013


My Oliver growing up so fast.  He cracks me up on a daily basis.  Every night when we put him to bed he promises me "I not gonna get out of my bed.  I go right to sleep."  Then we go in to check on him and we see this....
Oliver clearly has gotten out of his bed and grabbed his favorite bin of dinosaurs to bring in his bed.  He goes right to sleep but he definitely gets out of his bed to grab at least one toy (sometimes more) to bring in his bed.  He also wants a pillow to be placed over his face to go to sleep.
Here is Oliver at 5 months old.  He would always fall asleep with his silky on his face.  I guess some things never change.  I love this little goofball.
The other day Oliver wanted me to wave goodbye to him.  When I pulled out this is what I saw.  There is my son....mooning the neighborhood.  That's my boy.  I love this kid.

1 comment:

Sara said...

hahah ohhh Oliver!!!!! He is one hilarious little boy!!!! You forgot to mention his Magic Mike dance he performed for all of us the other night!! :)