Monday, March 25, 2013

A Good Old Fahsioned Hoedown

Last Friday we went to a good old fashioned hoedown at Claire's school!  We had a blast!
 Claire gets so excited when she has events at her school.  She loves to show off her school and introduce us to all of her friends.   And how cute does she look in her cowgirl gear?!
Oliver loved getting dressed up too!
Even Mark got into it!  A friend of mine is from Alabama and she gave us some great stuff to wear!
My ranch hands.
I love a good theme day!!!
Claire and one of her best buddies Mia. Claire and Mia are besties at school and she is sooo sweet! 
Claire and Mia showing off their dance moves.
Oliver on the other, fell in love.  He kept saying "I dance wif her.  I dance wif the big girl."  So Mark told him, "Well go ask her to dance!"  And that he did.  He marched across the dance floor of big kids and walked right up to Ally, tugged on her pant leg and asked her to dance.  Mark and I held our breath thinking "Oh no!  This little girl is going to want to hang out with her friends and blow him off and he is going to be DEVASTATED!"  Well, that was NOT the case.  She scooped him up and danced with him ALL NIGHT LONG!  It was so sweet!
She took him to do the limbo and do a craft in the library (with Mark or myself trailing behind, at a safe distance of course.  We didn't want to ruin his game).  I kept asking Oliver if he needed to go potty and he kept telling me no.  Then he had an accident, because he refused to leave Ally's side!  So Mark ran him home to change him (the ONE time I don't bring extra pants with me, he has an accident) and he told Mark in the car "Now I go find my big girl and if you talk to me I will push you away.  Will you miss me?"  He is really something else.
Claire tried to join him at one point (I think she was a little jealous) but Oliver wanted nothing to do with her.  It was all about Ally.  The next morning he kept talking about her and saying "She not my fwend, she my girlfwend.  She carry me all night."  I swear I am in trouble with him!  I do not know where he gets this from!!!!!!!

Overall, it was another great family night at Claire's school.  I am really happy with how great her school is.  They do so much for the families and it just makes Claire love school even more!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Claire's school really does sound great! And you've got a serious PLAYER on your hands with that little boy!!!