Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Night At The Circus

We spent tonight at the circus!  The kids had a blast!!
Here is Claire waiting for the show to start.  We didn't go last year so I was surprised at how much Claire remembered from the circus!
My chickens waiting for their turn on the pony ride.
Mama Hen made sure Oliver was ok while they went on their pony cart ride.
We all had a great time! Oliver LOVED the circus!  He was amazed by every single thing that was going on.
Claire was a pro at the pony rides.
This was the highlight of Oliver's night.  We saw a pony when we first got there and for the rest of the show Oliver just kept asking, "Where da pony go?!"

We had a great time at the circus!  Claire loved all the costumes and the trapeze artists.  While Oliver loved the trapeze artists and the animals.  
And when they rolled out Mater, he about lost his mind!  
And we all loved the elephants!  I have no idea how they train those elephants to stand ON A BALL!  But it was amazing!!!!   

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