Monday, September 5, 2011

Why Not?

So today Mark had about 4 seconds spare time and decided to start this project.....
Why not right??  There is nothing really going on.  Oh no, we are just starting back to school tomorrow and the madness of the school year will biggie.  But that is how we roll around here!!!!
Mark (sans beard) gettin' to work!
We have been talking about doing this  hallway since we moved in and there is no time like the present to rip down all the wall paper, skim coat the walls, paint them, and put up all new moldings. NO PROBLEM!!
It is going to look so nice when it is finished though!!  Then I can start my long awaited picture wall!!!!  My Aunt Pat had one when we were kids and I would walk up and down her hallway staring at the pictures every time we went there.  I always said when I had my own house that I would do my own picture wall for people to stare at.  And I will soon enough.
And of course, Claire couldn't wait to get right in there and help Daddy out!  Hope she knows how to skim coat the walls because we got A LOT of work to do :)


Amanda said...

Oooh, a picture hallway will be so cool! I can't wait to see how it looks when it's done!

ps - when I saw that first picture of Mark, I thought to myself, "hmmm, I wonder why Mark suddenly looks like he's 12." Then I read the caption. Hee, hee!

amy said...

HA HA - that made me laugh. I can totally hear you freaking out about it. I think my parents have a wallpaper steamer if you need on.

Erin said...

I can't wait to see it when it's done. You're picture board will look awesome with all the amazing pics you take!