Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last Saturday was Claire's dance recital.  She did so well!!  She LOVES being on stage!!  
Claire loves dancing with her buddies Bella and Ava.
Then she was ridiculously excited to see Giada who is doing Mommy and me this year!
Soooo adorable.
 Then Claire ran into her other buddies, The Beehlers.
 Miss Gabbie and Aunt Jacqie did an excellent job teaching the girls their dance!  The show was amazing and these girls worked their butts off!
Bella did a great job too.  I can't believe how big our girls are getting.
After the show Claire was thrilled to see everyone and she especially loved hearing how great she did :)
 I am  not sure what they are talking about here but Claire and Papa have some serious conversations.
She loved her flowers.
And her kisses from her Daddy.
Oliver as SOOO good the whole show.  He just hung out and was passed around while he watched all the lights and listened to the music.  He is such a good boy!  He did not make ONE peep! 
Me and my buddy.
Claire and Aunt Jacqie.  Claire was very upset that dancing was over because she was worried that she wouldn't see Aunt Jacqie anymore.  I assured her that Aunt Jacqie is going to be around for a long time :)
Overall, the show was amazing and I am so proud of Claire!  She did great for her dance and she did awesome with Mark for Daddy and Me.  Every time Claire walked on stage I cried.  I cried for so many reasons.  I cried because she is so big and grown up now.  I cried because I was so proud of all of her hard work.  I cried because I love her sooooo much! I cried because she is becoming so independent and I miss her needing me all the time.  I cried because I love that she is becoming her own person.  But mostly, I cried because I am a Mom and that is what is we do.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Natalie....put perfectly...the gammit of emotions we go through as mothers. So much to be proud of, your family is gorgeous.