Monday, May 30, 2011

Goin' Too Fast!

Well, what can I say besides time is just goin' too fast!  There are not enough hours in the day to get everything done and then blog.  Luckily, summer is coming right around the corner and I will have more time (hopefully). 
Since I have so many pictures and so many things to blog about I am just going to use some pics and tell what's going on!  Here is Claire and Oliver playing with his car.  I cannot believe how all of sudden he is pulling himself up on everything and climbing around.  He is all boy!  Oliver loves to push and pull his trucks and he loves anything that makes noise!  
Here is my free find!  This kitchen set was free and it is like BRAND NEW!  Claire loves to cook up some meals and Oliver loves to climb up on it.  Usually Claire loves to play with Oliver and share all of her toys.  But, as you can see, she is not into sharing her new kitchen.
Last week was Claire's Doodledance performance.  She did great! 
Of course the grandparents came out to cheer her on!
Papa did his usual whistle when the show was over.  When I was little at every dance recital my father would always whistle super loud at the end of my dances.  I could always hear it over the rest of the crowd and it made me feel so special!  Now he does it for Claire and she loves it too!
 Me and my dancer.
Last week Claire had a long overdue playdate with her buddy Shay! The girls had a blast dressing up and playing.
And playing in Aunt Pam's (super organized and neat) closet.
The week was capped off with a nice dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's.
Claire and Owen had a blast running around like maniacs.  They are getting to be so funny!  They crack each other and just have a blast!
The lighting was perfect for me to play around with my camera.
I had fun taking tons of pictures!  Also, I was introduce to Words With Friends and now I am obsessed.  Thanks Erin :)


Tammy said...

Your babies are just GORGEOUS...and nice score on the free kitchen set!

Amanda said...

I was just about to email you to see where you've been! I figured you've been busy with Nikki though:)

So cool that you scored a free kitchen! And seriously, I can't believe how big OJ is getting!