Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week In Review

Week In Review

Since my plan of blogging twice a week seems to be out the window, I am just going to do a week in review.  This week was a great week.  I am settling into my new classroom very well.  I LOVE MY JOB!!  How many people can really say that?!?!  

Claire is adjusting pretty well to her new routine.  We are dealing with a few "issues" but she is trying very hard to work through them.  Oliver is adjusting well too.  He is sick again this week but he is getting better and hopefully he will be back to normal soon.

Teaching Kindergarten has given me sooo many ideas of fun things to do with Claire.  Her new favorite thing is to listen to Robert Munsch read his books out loud on his website (click here to check it out).  Aunt Jacqie let us borrow a big book of his stories and Claire will sit there for hours listening to them and laughing.  It is adorable!!
On Saturday the weather was yucky so we decided to skip swim lessons and let Oliver sleep in.  While he was sleeping we made all of Claire's Valentines for her friends and teachers.
It is kind of hard to see this pic but Oliver's new thing is that he LOVES to pick up his rings and then put them on his feet.  Then he laughs as if to say "Check this out!!  That is HILARIOUS!!" it is super adorable!
Grandma and Grandpa stopped over on Saturday to give the kids their Valentines.  One of Oliver's treats was a new book.  Claire and Oliver loved sitting with Grandma while she read to them.
After they left we headed over to Nana and Papa's so that Claire could make V-day cookies with Nana.  She loves to bake with Nana, which is good because I do not bake AT ALL!!
Oliver is getting so big!!!  His head is growing pretty rapidly too!  He is wearing Claire's hats at this point!  So either my 3 year old has a small head or my 8 month old has a huge head.  We haven't decided yet!!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I like the "week in review" idea! Glad you had a great week. And now you already have break next week, right?