Monday, February 7, 2011

Double Tubble

Double Tubble
HIGH: The kids love taking their bath together :)
LOW: We are still working out our new routine :(
We can FINALLY give the kids their baths together now!!  YAY!!  This saves me a good 30 minutes at bedtime.  Plus, the kids love playing together!
Claire is such a good big sister.  She loves helping us wash Oliver's hair.
He is such a big boy in the tub!
He loves his bath but apparently DOES NOT like it when you place letters on his head.  This usually lets me know that bathtime is over.
Then it's time for lotion and jammies.  And some Jersey Shore hair :)
 Then it's time for cozy jammies and books.
And of course, some kisses from Claire.
Claire had her dancing pictures today.  Let me just say this, I was NOT cut out to be a pageant Mom.  Claire on the other hand, loves getting dressed up and putting on makeup.  

Poor Oliver takes a looonnnggg nap everyday when we get home.  We have been having to wake him up just to feed him and get him ready for bed.  It will be sooo nice when we get this whole routine all worked out!

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