Saturday, March 27, 2010


 So, Oliver's furniture came last Monday and since Mark and I couldn't wait to see it (because that is just the kind of people we are) we HAD to open it.  Well, it was a little bit more of a project than we thought it would be!

And of course Claire had to help.

TADA!!  Here is the armoire.  After the 20 minutes it took to get it OUT of the box, we admired it for about 2 minutes.  We oohed and ahhed and then we realized  WE HAD A BIG HUGE BOX FOR A FORT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the fort before we got started (and yes that is a mirrored wall behind it, please don't ask).

We busted out the markers, stickers, and crayons and WENT TO TOWN!  Here is me and Claire in the fort (Daddy cut me a special pregnancy door).

While in the fort Claire wanted to call Nana and Papa to come over and see it.  And of course, being Nana and Papa they rushed right over.  Papa went right in.  Claire told him to use the pregnancy door :)

Then it was Nana's turn to use the pregnancy door and come in.

Even Pete couldn't resist this AWESOME fort :)

When it was time to "clean up" the fort so we could vacuum Claire found yet ANOTHER use for the fort.  A PUPPET SHOW!  I swear I ask myself all the time...why do we bother BUYING these kids toys?!


Colleen said...

Might be my favorite blog yet. I love it. So CUTE!!!!

Colleen said...

and your doodling and "art" on the fort is EXACTLY the same as it was when we were 14!!!!!

Erin said...

one word. AWESOME! She's so damn smart. Puppet shows are the best. The furniture's beautiful. Next weekend I want to see it and his room!

amy said...

I love it! Ian and Maya had to throw their fort out this weekend. Also, I just realized that Nie Nie's son's name is Oliver. Did you steal it from her? Are you trying to be her?? JK. just something that clicked while I was reading her blog!