Thursday, July 30, 2020

Day 135 Nintendo Switch

For Claire's birthday this year, all she wanted was a Nintendo Switch.  Even though I thought it was really weird because she never plays video games and pretty much has zero interest in them, who I am to pick her gift!  So she asked for all gift cards to Target and we headed to the store with a very excited 13 year old only to find out that they are harder to find than a Hatchimal at Christmas!  So this poor girl has literally woke up every morning since July 6th at 8am and called Target to see if they got any in stock and TODAY was our lucky day!
 We started our day bright and early with Claire playing field hockey and I ran 4 miles while she practiced.
 Then we raced to Target to get the nintendo switch!!!  
 While we were at Target we saw the perfect phone case for Grandma so we grabbed it for her and stopped at her work to surprise her!
While I still don't really understand Claire want and love of this Nintendo Switch I must say that I loved watching Claire and Oliver figure it out and play together!

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