Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Day 100 & 101

Welp to celebrate our 100th day of quarantine we decided to go camping.  Like real, legit, sleep in a tent with no electricity camping.
We packed up the car and headed out!

Now it is no secret that I am not much of a camper but this place looked so cute.
As soon as we pulled in, I was in love!  We were right on Lake Ontario!!!

After we set up all of our stuff we got to see the most gorgeous sunset!

Mark got busy right away using his new camping hibachi to make us all dinner.
And I just kept watching the sunset!
Our site was so cozy and I loved that you could hear the water just below us!

I swear the sky stayed beautiful for hours!  It was such a beautiful campfire.
We tried making Jiffy Pop over the fire, but that was a fail!
Oliver couldn't wait to get all cozy in the tent.  He was the first one to go to sleep!
Claire was pretty excited too!
We all woke up to a gorgeous morning!  I was able to drink my coffee while sitting by the beautiful water.
And Mark got busy making us a delicious breakfast before we headed out for our hike!
The kids played a game...
And I finished my coffee and did a little reading before we headed out!
The hike trail started right by our campsite!
The trail was gorgeous!
There were so many pretty spots to stop along the way.
We were all excited to see what the "Look Out" was going to show us.  
Ummm until we got there...
The hike was 4 miles and a very easy trail but it was soooooo hot and sooooo buggy that we were all beat by the end of it!
Ironically, the landmark for our hike was the super cool lighthouse that was pretty much right next to our campsite.
The lighthouse was super cool but we weren't able to walk down to the water.
After Mark fixed us a nice lunch it started to rain so the kids and I hunkered down in the tent and I took a glorious nap.
Then the rains started to get pretty heavy and the winds picked up!!!
So Mark finally joined us in the tent and kept us entertained by reading to us.
He read us "The Most Dangerous Game" while we all relaxed and enjoyed the story (and prayed that our tent didn't blow away).

Then the storm ended, the sun came out, and it was time for Mark to make us a delicious dinner!  
Mark was very excited to make us a chinese hibachi dinner!
The wind started to pick up so Mark needed some help to block the wind while he cooked us our delicious dinner!
It was amazing!
And then we got to enjoy another beautiful sunset!

This was Michael 3.0, we literally say a million frogs and Oliver loved each and every one!
I honestly almost kept this one!  He was totally playing with Oliver!  Oliver would put the stick in front of him and he would bat at it!

After our bathroom trip Claire and I built a perfect fire and finished watching the sunset.  While we were enjoying the fire the winds totally picked up and it was a crazy night!  The winds were over 20mph and we were up most of the night praying our tent didn't fly into Lake Ontario!!!

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