Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas Eve 2013

This year we had yet another wonderful Christmas Eve!  The family came over to eat, drink, and be merry!  And we even had a visit from Santa!
Claire looked so beautiful in her Christmas dress.
And Oliver looked so handsome in his Christmas outfit.
Mark did a great job making dinner for everyone.
After a delicious dinner we had a special visitor.....SANTA!!
The kids were so excited that Santa stopped over before his big night.
Oliver couldn't wait to peek into Santa's bag.
They were even more thrilled when Santa gave them each a present that was on their list!
And we even got a nice family picture with Santa.
All the cousins enjoyed seeing Santa.
And the Grandmas.
And Uncle Greg and Aunt Sue.
After Santa left to get started on his big night, Oliver went upstairs and put on his Santa costume and took a seat in Santa's chair.
And made everyone sit on HIS lap.
Here are some pictures of everyone sitting on Santa's lap.
When Greg asked "Santa" if he was on the good list, "Santa" told him, "Hmmm I am gonna need to check it again."
But he told Aunt Susie, "You are on the nice list, I checked it twice."
Oliver told Nana all about how he was getting his reindeer ready for the big night.
Uncle Johnny asked for a raise but "Santa" wasn't really sure that was so he told Uncle Johnny, "Maybe next year."
After Santa had everyone from the party sit on his lap he decided to play with some of his toys, in his Santa suit of course.
After a great time spent with the family, it was time to get the cookies and veggies ready for Santa.
Once the house was cleaned up and the children were nestled all snug in their beds, Santa came :)
And he filled the stockings that were hung with care.
Daddy's stocking was a little light this year because Santa couldn't fit his equipment for the Ironman in there.  
Even Cozy left a few special presents for the kids.

It was another perfect Christmas Eve filled with family, friends, fun, and love.

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