Thursday, October 25, 2012

Apple Picking...Kinda

Last week we spent a beautiful day apple picking!  Well....not really apple picking because there were no apples on the trees due to the weather last year.  Every year we go apple picking (click HERE and HERE to see our past apple picking trips) and even though we didn't actually pick the apples we had a great a day just hanging out at the farm and choosing our apples from bins.  We just enjoyed being together!
The weather was gorgeous and we were the only ones at the farm.  It was  such a nice and relaxing day.  The kids had a blast playing and seeing everything!  The loved the cornstalk tepee!
They thought it was so cool.  Oliver kept saying "It like a house!"
They loved seeing all the animals.
They had a blast sitting and talking to the turkey!  The turkey kept gobbling when the kids would talk to him, it was hilarious!
As you can see, Mark got Oliver dressed that day.  They have the EXACT same outfit on just different colors.  My boys, I just love them!
Even though there were no apples on the trees we had fun walking and looking around.
Then it was time to pick apples!  The kids still had a blast picking out different kinds of apples from each bin.
Then of course, we had to taste them.  How cute are Oliver's chubby little hands?!
Oliver was in heaven eating his apple!
And Claire loved it too!
After a nice day at the farm, it was time to pack up our goods and head home.
After the farm we had a nice dinner at our favorite family restaurant,  Applebees.  The weather was so beautiful that when got home we played outside until bedtime.
Oliver was thrilled to ride his Thomas bike!
Then Claire wanted to climb her favorite tree.
She is starting to get really good at it!
Then Miss Amy stopped over and we all raked some leaves.
Claire loved raking them but Oliver decided he would much rather sit in the leaves and play instead.
So we had fun burying him in the leaves.
Then it was Claire's turn.
They loved when we threw the leaves up in the air.  Actually, I should say they loved when Miss Amy threw the leaves in the air.  They didn't think I did that great of a job.
My babies.
Me and my babies.
The next day we had fun making applesauce, apple pie, and pumpkin pie with all of our goods from the farm.

Even though there were no apples to pick, we had a wonderful day!!  The weather was amazing and we loved our family day!

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