Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Halloweeny Weekend

This weekend we had a ton of fun doing Halloweeny things!
We started the weekend off by going to Claire's Family Fun Night at her school.  The kids had a blast.  Claire says that she is embarrassed to dance in front of everyone but Oliver was LOVING it!  He couldn't get enough of shakin' it on the dance floor.
Claire was thrilled to death to see Jessie there!  She felt very important to hang out with a big fifth grader.
Claire loved getting her face painted.
Claire got a ghost.
 And Oliver loved it too!!  He got a black cat.
Then we headed outside to have some popcorn and see the firetrucks.
Oliver was in his glory when they let him go up into the truck to take a picture!
Then Claire ran into her friend Jake and then headed to the Library to make a craft.  Claire and Jake are messengers together and this is a HUGE deal to Claire so it was nice to put a face with the name.
Claire was in heaven making her Halloween bookmark.
Oliver just liked using the markers.
Claire was pretty pumped when Jessie came back around because she wanted to take a picture with Claire in the Halloween backdrop.
Then Claire finally found her new BFF Halie in the gym at the end of the night.  This is Claire's new best friend at school and I was so happy to finally meet the girl that Claire talks about all the time.
We spent Saturday putting together Claire's Halloween treat bags for dancing.  Claire loves making treat bags for her friends and I love the fact that she pretty much can put them together by herself.  We had to skip our annual OP Halloween Parade due to the weather.  It was freezing and pouring rain. I was pretty bummed we had to miss it for the first time in 3 years but it was just too wet!  So today after I had a great time with my girlfriends celebrating Colleen's soon to be baby boy, we went to Nana and Papa's to frost Halloween cookies and carve pumpkins.  Here is Claire frosting her cookie.
She loves doing this and is getting very creative.
Oliver loved doing it too.
He wasn't so much into making pretty cookies and then saving them.  He would just frost them for a second and then eat them.
While the kids were busy frosting cookies, Mark got to work gutting our pumpkins.
And Oliver continued to eat cookies.
When Claire finished her cookies, she was all about getting to work on her pumpkin.
Then Nana was left to frost the rest of the cookies.
They came out really cute and delicious!
Oliver LOVED gutting his pumpkin!
He worked on his for a while.
Then he helped me gut mine out too.
While we were working we had our Halloween music on and Claire and Daddy couldn't help but dance.
And sing.
And wrapping it up with a smooch.
Here are our final pumpkins.  The don't look too special now but once they were lit up and in the window...
They looked SPOOKTACULAR!!!

I had to add these in too.  The other day Claire got her hair cut and Marilyn braided her hair for her.  It looked super cute and Claire LOVED it!  She asked me "Can I sleep on my face?!" because she so worried it would get messed up!  But luckily it made it through the night and she got to show everyone at school the next day!  She asked me to take pictures so that she could always remember it.
So here is the front view.  Her head looked sooo tiny without all that hair around!
Side view.
Other side.
And the back.  
I loved it but I missed her curls.  I am definitely going to have to learn how to braid now!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

It's so cool that Claire's school does so many family fun nights! And I am quite impressed by the Komosinski family pumpkins!

ps - our nanny has been braiding Poppy's hair for ballet class and Poppy loves it. I feel like I need to learn how to braid too now!