Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

This year Christmas was perfect! Claire is the perfect age for the magic of Santa and Christmas.  And Oliver is the perfect age for ripping open presents and playing with toys!  
Claire was really into giving everyone gifts this year.  I took her to a holiday party at my school and they had a Santa's Secret Shop where Claire spent a lot of time picking out gifts for her Daddy and grandparents.  She loved wrapping their gifts all by herself and writing her own labels.  I love that she is really into the "giving" thing when it comes to Christmas and not just the "where are my gifts" thing. 
We had Christmas Eve dinner here and everyone had a great time.  We had a really nice dinner with family.  It is always so nice to get together and spend time as a family.  
Oliver definitely fits right in with is love of Christmas.  My mother bought this hat that shakes and plays Christmas songs.  Oliver thinks that this is the most hilarious thing in the world.  He loves to watch it!  And then he started wearing it!  His face was hilarious the whole time that he wore it!  He loves to make people  laugh.  I think we may have a little comedian on our hands.
Oliver with his godparents. 
Claire with  her buddy Uncle Johnny.
After a nice dinner and some visiting it was time for PRESENTS!!!  Oliver jumped right in!!  I am pretty sure he would have been perfectly happy with a bag of tissue paper.
Claire had fun taking everyone's pictures.
And then making everyone else take pictures.
Nana made Claire a scarf for Christmas and she carried it around with her for two days!  Here she is being silly with Andrea.
Then Santa stopped by for a visit!  Claire was in her glory!  Oliver chose to hang back a little and take in the big guy from a distance.
After a quick visit from Santa we put on our jammies and went to sprinkle our reindeer food on the front lawn so the reindeer would come.  Then Claire and Oliver headed to bed for a long winter's nap.
The next morning Claire woke up and couldn't wait to see if Santa came!  She loved that Santa came and ate all her cookies.  Also, she loved that the elves ate her candy and the reindeer loved their celery.
Here she is showing Oliver and explaining to him that Santa and the gang ate a our snack.
Then it was time for presents!!!!!!!!  
Notice she is still carrying her scarf around.
Oliver was amazed when he saw all the presents under the tree!!!
Here he is thinking about how they actually got there.
Claire loved her new purple silky from Santa.
Oliver loved opening his gifts too!  He didn't need any help ripping his gifts open this year!
The kids loved opening their gifts and playing with them together.
Our house pretty much looked like this for three days.  But the kids LOVED it!!
Claire's favorite gift this year was her pink Nintendo DS from Santa!
Oliver's favorite gift was his Chuck truck!  He has a touch of a love hate relationship with this truck.  He loves it because it talks, makes noises, and moves.  BUT Chuck drives away from him sometimes and that makes Oliver mad and then he chases him down!  It is hilarious!  He loves it though and can't get enough!
After a good nap we headed over to Nana and Papa's house for dinner and then to Grandma and Grandpa's for more presents!!!  Oliver got a firetruck and he was in heaven!
Uncle Tom and Grandpa had a great time putting together some toys.
Owen got a drumset for Christmas and the boys had a blast jamming away!!!  Oliver is finally old enough to play with Owen.  He is super excited to play with the big kids.  It is so fun to watch all the kids play together, they have so much fun together!

In a way I am sad that Christmas is over.  But it has been so nice to just relax for the last few days and enjoy all the great gifts that we were so blessed to receive.  Christmas is my favorite time of year and I am always sad to see it go but soon enough it will be this magical time again and we will build even more memories.  I already can't wait for next year!

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