Monday, December 26, 2011

Holiday Performances

This Holiday season my kids were involved in a few special performances.  What would Christmas be without a few events with lights, costumes, and Christmas music?!?
Our first performance was Claire's Christmas Show for dancing. 
 Claire loves dancing with her BFF Giada.  They have a blast together.  Even though sometimes they get separated because they get a little too chatty, they still have a blast.
 Claire, Giada, and Ava coloring some pictures before the big show.
Claire loves to be on stage.  She did a GREAT job!!
This year was the first year that the kids were kinda in sync.
When it was Claire's turn to "shuffle" across the stage she did it proudly!
Santa comes and watches the whole show and after each child "shuffles" across the stage he gives them each a candy cane.  This is Claire's favorite part.
 After Claire's show we came back to our house for some lunch.  
Even Pete got into the holiday spirit and dressed up.
 Then he was all partied out.
After Claire's Christmas Show for dancing the kids had their Holiday Sing A Long at school.  Oliver sported his reindeer antlers with pride.
Oliver's class did a great job, even though they didn't sing much they looked adorable!
Oliver did his best, he is the youngest in his room right now but he held his own!
Then he sat with his buddy Miss Cindy (who was Claire's teacher at one point too and we LOVE her) and watched the rest of the performance. 
 Then it was Claire's turn!!! Her class sang Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas song and Claire got to be one of the Alvins.
Claire did a great job!!!  The boys in her class were a little wild so their class had to go twice.
That's the cutest Alvin I know.
And of course she had to give us a pose.

I couldn't get out of work but did Daddy was able to sneak away to be there and take pictures!!  I did get to watch on the computer and Daddy gave me all the details later!!!  

Great job Claire and Oliver!!  You guys made us so proud!!!!


Jessica said...

OMG that is a great picture of Giada and Claire. That will defintley be printed off and put in Giada's room. God, I love our girls!!

Amanda said...

I can't believe how much Claire has grown since her first holiday dance show a few years ago. Crazy!!! She looks absolutely adorable, and so does Oliver!