Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Apple Picking

Today we played hookie and went apple picking!  We told Claire yesterday that we weren't going to school but it was a surprise where we were going!  She was sooo excited!  Then she about lost it when I told her that Giada and Aunt Jessica were coming with us!  Aunt Jessica brought Claire this adorable apple bow (Giada had a matching one of course) and we gave it to her and she had to guess where we were going.  She pointed out the apple and yelled "APPLEBEES!!"   So easy to please, I love this girl!
We all piled into Jessica's truck and headed out!  Last year the weather was perfect when we went (check it out HERE) but today, not so much.  Notice the weather was sunny and beautiful when we left.
By the time we got there it looked like this!  Rainy and muddy!  So we sat in the car (with the wipers going crazy) trying to figure out what to do.  Finally, the rain slowed down and we decided to brave it!  And it I am glad that we did!  It didn't rain the rest of the time we were there and we had a blast!
 Mark grabbed his bags and we headed out!
All packed up and ready to get some apples!
These two were ready to do some pickin'!
Claire got right in there and grabbed an apple (and no that is not a tear on her face, that is rain from the tree).
Giada's first pick was a good one.  She kept yelling "THESE APPLES ARE GIANT ONES!!"  
These two crack me up.  They are such besties, it is adorable.
I am not sure but I think this is Claire doing her "Apple Pickin' Dance".
Giada was a pro in no time.
Claire worked hard to get some apples.
Oliver's first real apple picking trip was awesome!  He loved it!
He got right in there and loved pulling the apples off the trees.
Every apple he picked, he would walk over and drop it in the bag.  I really thought he was going to pick one apple and never let it go but, he did great!
Claire and Giada loved going off and getting their own apples.
And Oliver tried very hard to keep up with them all day.
He was so proud of EVERY apple!
"Check it out guys!!  Look what I got!!!"
 "Hey guys! I got a green one AND a red one!"
Me and my little Apple Annie!  
PS the sun did come out for a few minutes!!!
Aunt Jessica and Giada loved their first apple picking experience!
And Claire was thrilled they joined us (and I was too)!
After we were done picking, we started EATING THEM!!!!! Oliver thought this was AWESOME!!
He did share a little with Daddy, but he didn't really want to share too much!
He snatched it back as soon as he could.
The girls went to town on the apples too!
Then we took a walk over to see the cows.  Last year we fed them some apples but this year they stayed away.
Oliver loved seeing them anyway!
Then we saw all of the turkeys and pigs and went in the hay maze.  Overall, it was a great day and the kids had a blast!!  Even with the yucky weather today was a great day!!!  Now I just have to figure out what to do with all of these apples!!

Here is a sneak peek at Oliver's Halloween costume:
It still needs some tweeking so stay tuned to see what we end up with!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

So what day did you go? Tony and I were going to meet up there on Monday w/ the kids for a playdate, but we went to the science museum instead because of the weather. How funny would it have been if we ran into you guys there!

Despite the weather, it looks like everyone had a great time and I love the pics.