Monday, August 30, 2010

Sass And Smiles

In going through my pictures from the past week, I realized one daughter is Sassy and my son is Smiley.  So when trying to figure out which pictures to use, I chose the ones that show their personalities best.

The other night after dinner we went over to our friends house.  Claire loves to play with their daughter (she is all about following older girls around and trying to be just like them).  At one point Claire went off on her own and returned like this.

When told to pose for the camera, this is what we got.

Here is my man Oliver.  He is getting so big and he is really a happy little guy.  He smiles whenever we talk to him.

Here he is just smiling at the toys hanging from his bouncey seat.

He is just happy and smiley. And adorable if I do say so myself.


Tammy said...

oh my gosh...I love these pictures of your little clan. Claire is looking like her Sassy Momma in that second picture...I love it. And Oliver looks so happy and content in his bouncey chair. I love that age...have fun loving them up!

Sara said...

OMG...How cute are these pictures?! The second one of Claire is hilarious!!! Excellent!!