Sunday, December 6, 2009


Today was Claire's first experience on stage. It was our Mommy and Me Christmas Show. After much stress (from me) Claire danced like a champ. That is, once she saw Santa in the audience watching her she did great! It was really cute to see her and her friends dancing away!

Let me just start by saying that I could never be a pageant mom! This whole recital thing is quite stressful!! Everything ended up being great and Claire had fun hanging with her friends before the show. It is really nice that a few of my close friends and their girls are in the class, it really makes it extra special. Can you notice Poppy's pigtails, they were soooo sweet!

I put a little make up on her before her the show. Claire thought that was the greatest thing in the world!

Here I am helping Claire fix the last few bows on her costume.

Mommy and Me.

Here Claire is jammin away. She was a little stiff at first but, then she saw Santa and she was dancing up a storm. Sorry the pics are a little dark, Mark said it was hard to get a good shot.

Tap, tap, tap.

The whole class (photo compliments of Marc and Amanda who have an amazing camera!).

Overall, Claire's favorite part of the whole day was when Nana, Papa, Grandpa, and Grandma brought her flowers "backstage".

I was to say a special thank you to Auntie/Miss
Jacqie (and Miss Gabbie) for all of their hard work. I seriously don't know how you guys do it! The show came out great (so great in fact that I think we should have tomorrow off ;)


Amanda said...

Good times today! Stressful, but fun, and the girls definitely had a great time (whether they actually danced or not).

Love, love, love the new Christmas look on the blog!

Jacqie said...

I am so proud of them!!! They did an outstanding job! I just love watching them after a few months of hard work!