Monday, December 14, 2009

On A Perfect Winter Day.......

two buddies suited up and went outside to play in the snow.

They sledded on snowpiles......

and loved it!

They slid down snow piles and loved it!

One of them posed for some pictures.

They started to build a snowman....

and ate some snow.

They continued with their snowman......

and then ate some more snow.

Then took to a break to eat some more snow.

Finally, the two buddies admired their work. It was a perfect winter day :)

On Sunday we went to our local park to see Santa. Claire just loved him! She climbed right on his lap and told him her name and that she wanted a "Quack quack duck". Then she thanked him. It was adorable!

Claire loves Santa. She thinks they are friends now.


Aunt Di said...

OMG, that is so adorable, I Can't decide which picture I like the most.

amy said...

So cute! and what a great Santa!! But where is the picture of the completed snowman?

Colleen said...

I was just about to type the exact same thing as Aunt Di!!! Although, after further consideration, the close up of Claire and Mark is definitely my favorite!!! So cute!!!!!!

Sara said...

Great pictures!!! What a cute little pink snowsuit she has on!!! Cant wait to see how big she got :)