Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Happy Birthday Oliver

Because our lives our too crazy, we are saving Oliver's birthday party until July 3rd and we will celebrate Claire and Oliver together.  That being said, I still want to celebrate my special guy.

Oliver has grown up into such an amazing little man.  He is so kind and sweet.  He is the first to hold the door for people and ask them about their day.  He is so thoughtful and always take other people's into consideration when doing things.  Even though he is navigating being a teenager he still has a heart of gold.  This guy loves all sports but hockey, lacrosse, and basketball are his favorites right now. He loves to go the Y with me and just shoot around and out at the lake he packs up his basketball and rides over to the courts to shoot around. Oliver loves babies, kids, and the elderly.  Yesterday we went to the Y and when I went to get him from the gym I saw him playing with a few little kids.  It was so sweet.  He was so patient and kind to the them, it was so sweet. Oliver is super smart and does well in school, even though he is learning how to stay organized! Oliver is very social and loves to visit and chat with just about anyone! He is my little guy and I am so proud of the amazing guy he has grown up to be!

I can't believe this guy is 13!  Love him to pieces!