Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Moving Up Day

So it really happened.  My baby girl is really moving up to the middle school!!!
I love this gorgeous little lady so much!  I am so ridiculously proud of the amazing person that she has grown into and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for her!
Here is my baby girl on her first day of Kindergarten.  I felt exactly the same way on that day that I do now.  I was so excited for her and so proud of her.  I watched my little mama climb on that bus and I couldn't wait for everyone at her new school to meet her because to know her is to love her.  I remember staring at the clock all day long just dying to hear about how her day went.  She nailed that first day in the way that she does everything, with a quiet confidence and grace.  I just know that she will do the same thing in September on her first day of middle school.
She even posed for a quick picture with her brother before the bus came.  As I have mentioned before, I have this weird love of getting the kids on the bus.  But this was it, this was the last day.  Now Claire will catch and earlier bus than Oliver.  And I am not going to lie, that stings.

 My baby getting her "diploma".  She also won the principal's award!  This girl never ceases to amaze me!!
 My middle schooler with her awards.
And here she is with her Kindergarten diploma.
 Claire and Mrs. Digesare.
 Claire and Maya.
 Mia, Kathleen, Claire, and Mrs. Powell
 Mia, Kathleen, and Claire
 Claire and Mrs. Shemerhorn.
 Anna, Kathleen, and Claire
 Alexis, Maya, Anna, Mia, Kathleen, and Claire
 Love our graduate.

 Claire and Principal Johnson
 It is the end of an era.  Papa has been getting Claire on the bus every day since Kindergarten. And now it will just be him and Oliver.
 Mark and I had to go back to work so Nana and Papa took Claire out to a special fancy lunch at the Olive Garden!
 Then after work we all down to canalside for dinner!!
 We loved checking out all of the cool stuff down there.
 It was a beautiful night to sit outside!
 Love my girl!

 All I wanted was one nice picture on the big blue chair!!!
And we wrapped the evening up with some ice cream!  It was a great way to end a wonderful day!

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