Friday, July 15, 2016

Zoo Day

Today we went to the zoo.  The zoo is one of my most absolute favorite places on earth.  Ever since Claire was about a year old one of my favorite things to do is spend the day at the zoo.  Now, while I love this place I must say that every time I go there I get sad.  I get sad because it makes me realize how quickly my babies are growing up!  And I while we walk through the zoo I have so many memories with my babies.  So while I am at the zoo I am constantly mourning the loss of my little toddlers but I am also loving the young kids that they are becoming!
They still love a good puppet show!
And we love to hang out with our buddies!
Even if the girls act like they are 25.
And I did get my toddler fix with my baby girl Harper.  We had a blast watching the gorillas.  Watching Harper reminded me that one of the reasons that I love the zoo is because I love watching the kids watch all the animals!
So even though my kids are growing rapidly, they did promise me that no matter old they get they will always save one day each summer to have a family day at the zoo with me (and maybe even ride the train).

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