Sunday, July 10, 2016

Birthday Parties

Yesterday we celebrated Claire's 9th birthday and Oliver's 6th birthday with some friends at the local gymnastics place.
The kids were so excited to celebrate with their friends!
Oliver's group went first and they had a blast!
Everyone enjoyed the food!
Oliver loved playing soccer so much this year, that he wanted a soccer cake!
Each one of his friends got to come up and help him open their gift.  Needless to say, Oliver loved this part.
After Oliver's party was over, it was Claire's turn to party with her friends!
The kids had a blast!
Claire was super excited about her lacrosse cake.
My big girl.
Harper loved helping Claire open her gift.
They are so cool.
The kids had a blast when we got home and they played with their toys all night!
Even Daddy couldn't help himself!

The birthday parties were a success!  Even though when we arrived they told us that they didn't have any parties scheduled for the day!  Once that got sorted out the rest of the day was perfect.  The kids had so much fun with their friends.  I know I say it every year (and I will probably say every year until I am gone) but I can't believe my babies are this old!

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