Thursday, July 17, 2014


Today the kids had summer camp and Mark and I got some stuff done.  This evening Oliver had baseball practice.  He has been playing baseball for a few weeks now and he really likes it!  They do "stations" to start out.  Each child does a station and then they all rotate.  The stations were batting, playing catch, catching grounders, and running the bases.  Then they play a short "game" and each gets to bat and practice running the bases while the other kids get to practice playing the out field.
He really puts his all into his swing!
And he did a great job catching his grounders.
We did lose him a little bit when he was distracted by the orchestra band that was playing about 50 yards away.  Poor Oliver just couldn't fight the rhythm.
And during the "game" some of the kids were confused about getting the ball after someone hit it.  Either no one would move or they would ALL jump on the ball. It was hilarious!

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