Thursday, February 21, 2013

Museums And Big Boy Beds

We have had a great week off!  We have been spending a lot of quality time together as a family.  We have really enjoyed just relaxing and being together.  We have also had some big changes over here.  Oliver is now in a BIG BOY BED!
The other day we were all napping during nap time and Mark and I heard a loud thud.  I ran into Oliver's room and there he was on the floor!  The poor guy looked at me and started to cry and said "I feew out!  I feew out!!!"  Mark and I just looked at each other and we was time for a big boy bed.  Now I will admit, I fought this decision a bit.  I fought it because there was NO WAY that my baby was ready for a toddler bed!
Here is Oliver playing in his crib for the last time.  He LOVES his crib!!  Claire and I went to dancing and when we got home, the crib was no more (and I did cry a little).
Here is Oliver's big boy bed.  Of course, I made Mark move EVERYTHING around in his room but we were happy with the end result.  I thought Oliver would have a hard time not having his crib because he loved it so much but he was totally in love with his new bed!  He stays in his bed until someone comes to get him and he wants to stay in his bed!  We have to give some books so he can hang out for a while.  Throughout the day if you aren't sure where Oliver is, there is a pretty good chance he is hanging out in his bed.  Claire also loves his bed.  They play in there all the time, they call it their boat :)
Aside from Oliver growing up way to quickly we have been hanging out at museums.  We went to Buffalo Science Museum the other day.  The kids had a blast!
I love watching their little minds work.  Especially when they work together.  My kids love to go to museums.  They are so busy the whole time we are there.  Mark and I love to watch them play together.  They stick together and help each other out.  Oliver is learning so much from Claire and I love it!
They loved putting together the "People Puzzle".  Claire needs to know how everything works and Oliver just takes it all in.
Today we went to the Strong Museum.  The kids loved the Sesame Street exhibit!  And a special thank you to Nana for letting me use her point and shoot camera while my camera is being repaired.
Oliver was blown away with the section where Elmo does "the news" with you.  And there is Mark otherwise known as "Photobomb".  Mark always finds a way to get into a shot.
Oliver loved all of the cars that he could "drive".
The kids had a blast shopping at Wegmans.
They both felt so grown up.  And Oliver is always thrilled when something is his size.
Claire was a pro at checking out.  She is still carrying around her receipt.
Oliver loved checking out too (with a little help from Daddy).
Just chilling in Big Bird's nest.  Oliver kept asking me "This is Big Bird's nest?!?  I sit in Big Bird's nest?!?!  Where Big Bird?!?!"
The Superhero exhibit was a hit.  Oliver doesn't even really know all the superheroes (besides Superman) but he LOVES them!  The kids had a blast "climbing the wall". Of course Claire is dragging Oliver along.
The Berenstain bear exhibit was also a hit.  My kids love their books and they love to watch the cartoon.
Claire had to get a picture with Papa Bear.
Oliver fell in love in the sandbox.  He found this little girl and played with her for 45 minutes.  He kept bringing her toys, it was ADORABLE!  I sat with the little girl's mom and her and I giggled the whole time,  it was so sweet.
Claire had a blast too but I think she felt a little left out because Oliver was with his new girlfriend.

We have had a great break! I am sad that is it already almost over!  Just being together and spending this time together has been great!  I just kept thinking today that my babies are getting so old and I will really miss these days.  Mark and I were saying today that we can't even believe the kids are this old and they are gonna be teenagers before we know it!  I truly have cherished EVERY second of this break, even the days when we just hang out in our jammies!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh no! The big boy bed!!! It totally means he is growing up! My parents have a big boy bed for Sam at their house and for the past few weeks he has been asking us at home where his "big boy" bed is. I'm not ready!!!

It looks like you guys have had a great vacation! Jealous that you were able to find time for all the museums.