Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Great Grandma!

Yesterday we all got together to celebrate Great Grandma's birthday!  Aunt Irene had a special cake made and Great Grandma just loved it!
Claire was very interested in the picture on the cake.  
 Claire and Owen had a blast just being Claire and Owen.  They loved playing and running around like little maniacs!  Oliver did his best to keep up with them but he was no match for these two!
Of course, they had to help Great Grandma blow out her candles. 

Then it was time for our "Family Portrait Attempt".  We set up the camera and the timer, everybody took their places and we got started.
Here is attempt number one.  Looks great!  Well....Tom and Grandma's eyes are closed and Great Grandma looked extremely surprised!  OK let's try again....
Great Grandma is no longer surprised but Tom and Grandma still have their eyes closed.  OK let's try again...
Alright Grandma has opened her eyes!  But now Joe's are closed.  And Tom's are still closed.  And I somehow gained a few pounds since the last shot.  It was at this point that we said... well that was great, enough with the picture :)  We did pull this off a few years ago.  Click HERE to check it out!

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