Saturday, February 12, 2022

Van Gogh

Claire has been really into art these days. So I was beyond thrilled when she started to talk about one of my favorite artists, Vincent Van Gogh!  And it turns out that we both have the same favorite of his paintings! So when I saw this exhibit I couldn't wait for all of us to go as a family!  As the kids get older they are getting busier with their friends and activities and it is getting harder and harder to squeeze in that together time that we used to get.  So when everyone wanted to go to this, I was SO EXCITED!

I love watching Claire take it all in and appreciate the art!

Even Oliver enjoyed it and loved the paintings!
This is our favorite piece!  I couldn't believe it when Claire said it was her favorite!  When I was her age I had this print hanging in my bedroom!!!!
I will take any family time that I can get these days, but this was extra special because everyone really enjoyed it!

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