Monday, August 19, 2019

Washington Day 4

Day four started with an interesting breakfast at the bagel place!
Then we packed up and headed over to Mount Vernon on our way to Colonial Williamsburg.
We got to see where the slaves lived. 
Washington's home was beautiful!
We got to see Washington's office!
This is where Washington passed away.  He had to have his bed specially made because he was over 6 feet tall!
The view was absolutely gorgeous!
So beautiful!
Claire loved getting in her map to help us get around.
The kids loved completing their scavenger hunt!
Oliver loved the animals!
Seeing Washington's grave to pretty amazing!
Time for a quick break!
Then it was off to Colonial Williamsburg!!!

After we got settled it was time for dinner! And some fancy drinks!
So good!
After dinner we headed over to our ghost tour!
It was so cool!
Sara, our guide, was amazing!
It was so cool to go into the houses at night!
Sara told the best stories!
Each house had it's own story!
It was such a perfect way to start our trip to Colonial Williamsburg.

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