Saturday, January 28, 2017

Dr. Dolittle

This year Claire was part of another excellent Windom production, Dr. Dolittle!
 I love the amazing productions that her school puts on every year!  
Claire did an excellent job as a dancer and Kathleen was a great warrior!
Oliver didn't get picked to be a dancer this year but he still loved watching his friends in the show!
Mr. Clark is one of Claire's favorite teachers.  He always plays a special part in the production.
Claire absolutely loved being a part of the whole production!  She had so much fun and made some new friends.  She said to me the other day, "Mom, it is not just the main actors that make the show.  They wouldn't be able to do it without all of the people who help!"  And that to me is what this is all about.  

So proud of you Claire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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