Monday, April 15, 2013

Witches and Books

We have just been hanging out and going through our daily routines lately.  Even though we have a great routine going and our days are pretty predictable with dressing, breakfast, kisses goodbye, school for all us, pick ups, kisses hello, games, homework, dinner, laundry, making lunches, activities, bathes, books, more games, and bed, these kids never cease to do something surprising and make me laugh daily.
 Oliver came upstairs the other day dressed like this.  He is a witch.  Mark and I cracked up when he came into the room!  And he kept saying, "I will get you my pretty!"  Oliver loves to dress up.  He really has an amazing imagination.  He loves to dress up and act like all different kinds of animals, dinosaurs, and characters.
Claire is all about reading lately.  She loves to read to us before bed each night.  She really enjoys it when we have multiple copies of a book so that we can all read together.  I love hearing her read!  I wonder when I will stop tearing up when she reads to me???

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