Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year

After the madness of Christmas calms down there is always the excitement of New Year's Eve.  This year we stayed home with the kids and had a few friends over.
I was thrilled to set my table.  I can remember my mother having New Year's every year.  She would spend hours setting the table and getting everything ready and I would just follow her around and watch.  Now I was setting up my own table, I felt like such a grown up.
 I think my mother would be proud.  It's not nearly as fancy as my mother would have done, but I am still learning.
The men prepared the meal for us.
While the big kids snacked on the appetizers.
 And the babies napped.
I must say, the boys did a great job with dinner!  Everyone brought something and the meal was delicious.  
After dinner we all just relaxed and enjoyed visiting.
The kids had a blast running and playing like maniacs.
I love them.
The Balko Family.  Brendan and I had some wonderful dinner conversations!  I think he enjoyed his first New Year's Eve.
The Cappelli Family. Our second year was better than our first.
  The Komosinski Family.  We enjoyed spending this evening with our friends and their kids.  The best part of the night was seeing my children enjoy themselves.  I can remember my parents having parties and me playing with my "fake cousins".  We would stay up late and play all night.  Then we would be really really quiet and hope that our parents wouldn't make us go home. I can't believe that I am now on the other end of the parties.  Better yet, I can't believe that I have kids that are old enough to stay up late, play all night, and be really quiet hoping we don't hear them and make everyone go home.
As we toasted to ring in the New Year I did not have my silver change in my pocket (for those of you that know me this is a big deal.  The superstition goes that if you have silver in your hand/pocket you will be happy in money in the new year) but I did hold the person I love and I held glass in my hand.  Which means I may be broke this year but I will be lucky in love and happiness.  And that sounds pretty good to me.

On New Year's Eve I always spend more time reflecting on the previous year than making resolutions for the upcoming year.  I like to think of all that has taken place and what I would like to make better or do differently.  I do not make resolutions.  I stopped that years ago.  Too much pressure.  I found that I spent more time being upset that I didn't fulfill my resolutions than I did trying to better myself.  So instead of making a resolution this year I will make a vow.  I vow to be happy.  Simply that....happy.  I will do whatever it takes to be happy.  And you know what they say..."If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.".  I know this may sound like a selfish goal but here is the thing, OTHER things make me happy.  My children experiencing life and learning makes me happy.  Therefore I will do whatever it takes to have them experience everything that they possibly can.  My husband achieving his goals makes me happy.  Therefore I will do anything that I can to help him achieve his goals.  Get the point?  

That being said, I hope that everyone has a wonderful New Year and does whatever it takes to make them happy.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

1. the table all set for NYE was gorgeous! Your house is such a grown up house!!!

2. You are doing amazing with your flash! I can't believe how fast you figured out how to use that thing!!! All these pics look great.

3. I love your goal. And without a doubt, you are one of the happiest people I know. You always have a positive outlook on everything and you really are just a super happy person. So I'm pretty sure you're going to be able to meet your goal this year. ;)