Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas Day!

"HE CAME!!  HE CAME!!!!  SANTA CAME!!"  The magical words heard across the world on Christmas morning.  When I was young I couldn't wait to run down the stairs and yell those words myself.  Now I couldn't wait for my children to run downstairs and scream those words.  And on Christmas morning they did just that.
Claire couldn't wait to rip through all of her presents!  She was thrilled when she got her Cabbage Patch Doll that had matching hair.
Oliver was beyond ecstatic when he got his dinosaur megapark with 100 dinosaurs.
Then he loved his Thomas tent.  So much so that he took the rest of his presents into the tent to open them.
When he was finished opening his presents he went into the front room and got his dinosaurs from Nana and Papa to play with.  He was so awesome this Christmas.  He really got the whole thing this year.  He couldn't get over the fact that Santa came and brought him tons of presents!!
Claire was so happy with her new MP3 player.  The only problem was that it broke within an hour.  My heart broke for her.  I totally remember wanting that one special gift and then it breaking.  Mark went to Rite Aid and bought her another one while Santa fixed her original and that broke too! So the day after Christmas Santa dropped a brand new pink iPod Nano in the mailbox for her.  Fully equipped with Justin Bieber music and pictures of her friends.  She was thrilled and the MP3 player mishap was soon forgotten.  And I got a fancy new flash!!  I love it but as you can see I have a little work to do with it :)
We all had fun playing with the remote control cars and trains that Oliver got.
After a much needed nap we headed over to Nana and Papa's for dinner.  Oliver loved playing with GG.
Claire loved chatting with her favorite friend Leah.
My favorite guys (minus Oliver).
Then we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's for some more presents!!  And some cousin time with Owen.  Here are the kids having a blast.
Oliver was ready with his pile.
And Claire was ready with her tower of presents.
Claire LOVED her new sleeping bag.  She has slept with it every night since Christmas.
Uncle Brian borrowed Owen's snazzy hat.
My buddies.
Then I decided it would be a great idea to get a picture of the kids in their matching Christmas jammies.  This was a brilliant idea to do this at the END of a long Christmas day.
They look so happy.
Not exactly sure what happened here.
Still working out my flash!  
This one is my favorite.  I love these kids!!!!!!

It was another great Christmas!  I am so sad it is over!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!


amy said...

I love all of the Christmas pictures! I especially love Mark in his robe :)

Sara said...

They are so cute in all their matching pj's!!! love it!