Tuesday, November 13, 2012


We have been really busy around here lately.  I have a lot of stuff to blog about so I am just going to do one big post.
Two weekends ago we had a great family dinner for Great Grandma's birthday.  The kids had a blast playing and we all enjoyed spending time together and celebrating Great Grandma's birthday.
Then it was time for us to vote.  Claire was very excited to go vote.  They have been talking about the election at school so Claire really felt that she was a part of the voting process.  Then there is Oliver.  I told him that we were going to go vote and his response was "We are going on a boat?!"  He was convinced that we were going on a boat.  After we left Oliver just kept yelling "Where da boat?!  I fought we go see a boat?!"
 To start our weekend off we went to dinner with our neighbors, the Pendyalas.  Mark has recently sold their house and they are moving to Florida.  This is really sad for us because in this short time they have become like family.  The kids adore them and we love spending time with them.  I am really sad that we didn't get to know them more in the 4 years that we have lived here!
Last weekend the weather was beautiful!  Mark was busy working on our rental property so I took the kids to the zoo.  My kids LOVE the zoo.  Going to the zoo is the most relaxing trip for us.   Here are the kids waiting weirdly patiently to get into the zoo.  They were so patient while we were waiting to get into the zoo.  Other kids were crying and flipping out and my kids just hung out and chatted away while we waited for our turn.
We had the most perfect day.  My kids would sit at each exhibit and watch the animals for like 20 minutes at a time.  Then we would talk about what we saw for a while.  The sun was shining and I was with the two most perfect children in the world.  It was perfect.  Simply perfect.
After a nice nap we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner.  Then Grandma took the kids in the hot tub.  This was HEAVEN for the kids.  They had a blast in the hot tub.  Here is Oliver "relaxing" in the hot tub.  He kept saying "No talk a me.  I relaxin."
Claire was also relaxing.  Claire told me when I put her to bed "Today was the best day ever." As a mother there is nothing else that I would rather hear!
Then we had Monday off for Veteran's day.  The weather was still nice so we played outside all day.  Claire and Oliver were so cute playing in the driveway all morning.  At one point they pulled up two chairs and sat and chatted away.  It was adorable. I love watching them play and learn from each other.
They would chat away and then they would burst out laughing.  At one point they were laughing and Claire threw her arm around Oliver.  It was so sweet.  I love these kids so much it is ridiculous.  This weekend was perfect.  I loved every second of being with them and watching them just be together.  There are times as a mother that you just watch your kids and your heart swells and you think "I did something right in this world." And I didn't just do something right with these babies, I did something great!
Lastly, due to the new Twilight movie coming out on Friday I was given a challenge of dressing Oliver up as a different character from the movie each day.  Today he was dressed as Edward.  He loved it!  He kept saying "I Edward!"  So here is Oliver as Edward Cullen.

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