Thursday, August 18, 2011

Blueberry Pickin'

I know I haven't posted in a while but we have been really busy.  I know I always say that but this time we were REALLY busy!  We traveled to Mexico for an AMAZING wedding (but I am not allowed to post my pictures until the bride gets home!  Did I mention I was the photographer?!).  But anyway, this week and last week my in-laws have their cottage at the beach and we spend a lot of time up there.  Right around the corner from the beach is a blueberry patch, so we took the kids over there to pick some blueberries.  This is Oliver's little hand grabbin' some berries!
My kids LOVE blueberries.  I am not a huge fan but the kids love them.  Oliver jumped right in like an old pro.  He would just grab a berry.....
and pop it into his mouth...
and then yell with excitement!
We finally had to make him stop because he ate so many berries.  But, then he just hid and ate them anyway.
Claire was like an old pro too.  She was so serious and happy to be there.  She did not stop talking the whole time!
Team work :)
They were so cute helping each other out.
Love them.

I promise in the next few days I will have the pictures from Jacqie and Nick's wedding!!!  It was an amazing trip and I got some great pictures but I promised her I would wait and let her be the first to see them!!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I was beginning to wonder about the wedding pics - I guess I can wait a little longer!

And is OJ officially walking?! Looks like it!