Monday, June 21, 2010

Water Day!


 On Saturday Oliver took a nice long nap, so we busted out Claire's pool for the first time this summer.

Claire loved playing in the water.  

And of course it was only a matter of time before she made her Daddy come in with her.

Saturday was also Oliver's first bath!  My most favorite thing to do with a newborn is give them a bath.  They just smell sooo good afterward.

Claire was very helpful with Oliver's bath.  Oliver, himself didn't have that much fun.  He pretty much cried the whole time.

Claire loved helping wash her baby brother.
Oliver cried for most of the bath.  But he looked sooo cute all soaped up.

And he was cozey as can be after we were all finished.

After Oliver was all washed, Claire helped me to lotion up his feet.  Then she asked me and Mark if she could go watch tv.

Seriously, how cute is this little guy?!  His hair is still dark, where that came from I have no idea.  We will have to wait and see if it stays that way.  Oliver was so happy to be all cozey in his jammies and to be all swaddled up.

And while we were finishing up the bath, Claire was creating this disaster in the other room :)  It's just got crazier at our house!  But in a GREAT way :)


Anonymous said...

Love that baby boy! Can't wait to come over and give him a hug. Tammy B

Village Living said...

Oliver is so precious! Love the up-close one of him. And yes babies do smell so good after bath time. Hope everything is going well.

Anonymous said...

Your little man is beautiful! Claire looks like a big girl now:-) You look wonderful! We miss you! MLS