Monday, January 18, 2010

Wake Up Slow.....

This is usually what we see when we go to get Claire after she wakes up from either her nap or in the morning.

We start out seeing this as we walk down the hall.
Please ignore the wallpaper.

As we get to the gate and look over, this is usually what we find.
Claire still half asleep with all of her guys.

Once she realizes that we are there she yells "I wanna go eat and watch Tom and Jerry!!" and the gate comes down and the guys are left behind.

Also, Happy Birthday Uncle Johnny!

On Friday we went to Uncle Johnny's house to celebrate his birthday. Claire had a blast! Probably because she is allowed to do whatever she wants at Uncle Johnny's house.

Here is Claire having one of Uncle Johnny's uniform shirts cut to size.

Best buddies.


1 comment:

Amanda said...

That wake up routine is too stinkin' funny! Love it!