Sunday, January 31, 2010


Is it wrong to be jealous of your children?

Well, I hope not because I was jealous of Claire today. Today Claire got to take a jacuzzi bubble bath. This is one of my most favorite things in the world. I used to love taking a jacuzzi tub and reading for like an hour. But, unfortunately, its another one of those things that cannot be done while creating. Hmmm...make a baby or take a bath? Think I'll make a baby and live through Claire for now :)

Also, this weekend Claire started swim lessons again. Well, she actually started last week. But last week Mark and I decided she was ready to try Bubble Belt (the next step up). This week Claire decided she was not ready to try Bubble Belt :) While she is ready to do all the activities in Bubble Belt (which she did all of them LAST summer) she is not ready to swim without Daddy :) (which I am pretty sure makes Mark pretty happy). So we decided to keep her in her class for now and try again later.

Here is Claire gettin her noodle with her new class. Yes, she is much smaller than the rest of the kids (but they are a FEW months older than her, in her defense).

Here she is waiting ever so patiently to go into the pool with her new class.

And here she is making her Daddy put his feet in with her because she needed him with her :)
I will say I was very proud of her for even getting in the pool alone and trying it by herself. We will keep you posted on her Bubble Belt progress.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

She looks so pretty in these that girl.
Tammy B