Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Merry Christmas!

This year for Christmas instead of COVID screwing things up, a BLIZZARD did instead!  This is the first Christmas in my entire life that there was such a bad snow storm that we literally couldn't get together! There were driving bans in every town/city, thruways were closed, it was a mess! Friday they closed the schools, which was nice to have an extra day to wrap gifts.

This was the first year that I set up shop to wrap in the basement and  it was life changing.
Thank God Mark was prepared for this one!  We lost power (we ALWAYS lose power, even when there isn't a storm) but Mark was ready with gas for the generator, space heaters, flashlights, and headlamps. 
We only lost power for a few hours but we stayed pretty cozy the whole time.  Here is Mark trying to make dinner in the dark.
These two were besties throughout the whole day!  I love when they play together!
Cozy brought some gingerbread houses and the kids still like putting them together!

Although Oliver's didn't hold up as well as Claire's did!
Christmas Eve was nice and quiet.  We had already bought all of the food to host for the night so we enjoyed a delicious dinner!
Even though it was just us we still set out all the fixins. 
Then I spent the day reading and relaxing in my favorite spot.
Nana and Papa came over and gave Oliver some last minute gifts!
Oliver and Mark had a blast playing mini hoop.
After a big dinner we all relaxed and laid around.
Mark struggles to relax so he did a great job cleaning up!
Then we all got cozy in our jammies and watched our family favorite.
We put out cookies (homemade by Claire) and veggies for Santa and the reindeer.
And then Santa came!!!!!!

THIS is my favorite part!  When they get downstairs and first see the gifts!!!

Usually I hate a mess but this mess is always my favorite!
Claire bought me books for Christmas this year!!!!!!
Then Nana and Papa came over for a delicious breakfast!
Oliver and Papa love talking sports.  I can sit and listen to them chat about sports all day long.
And it just kept snowing!!!
One thing I am love about my kids is how grateful they are. They thanked us a million times and were so happy with their stuff.  Oliver lined everything up at the end of his bed!
And what would Christmas be without a quick COVID test!  Negative thank god!

It was yet again, another unconventional Christmas.  But at least we were all safe and warm with tons of food.  It was a cozy quiet Christmas and while I LOVE the big Christmas parties, this was sweet too.  We all missed John but he was around, I'm sure of it. 

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