Sunday, November 17, 2019

November Stuff

So I am trying so hard to keep with blogging but it is definitely getting away from me.  So here is some November stuff!
 Oliver obviously had some hockey!
And when I take him to early games or practices we always stop for a delicious breakfast with some delicious hot chocolate!
 Oliver  was elected class representative for student council this year.  So he got to be a part of the Veterans Day assembly.  Here he ready to  sign all of the veterans in.
Then he got to go to the breakfast after the assembly!
 Then winter came early this year and brought along freezing temperatures and this happened.
Then this happened.  Not the best way to start the day!
Then I found this picture and I got so sad!  I remember this day like it was yesterday!!!!!
 When the kids were little Mark used to take them to Doodlebugs every morning and every morning I would wave to them as they pulled out of the driveway.  Now that Claire is in middle school, she leaves before me and I get to wave to her every day again!!!!!  It's not the best picture but she still waves to me every morning!!!

I have to be better about taking pictures so I can blog more!  

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