Saturday, October 3, 2015

Week In Review

It was yet another busy week but I don't want to get behind in blogging (again) so here goes.  
We have been crazy with the beginning of school activities.  Here are the kids on picture day.  Notice Claire is holding a violin!  She is thrilled to be starting violin lessons this year!
We had the kids open houses too.  I absolutely love open house.  I love sitting in the kids' desks and getting to see where they spend their days.  I also love getting to know their teachers!  But my favorite is all of the cute stuff they make!  Here is Claire's "About Me" page.  I love that she wants to go to Paris!
I read through Claire's writing journal and I loved what she wrote about her summer vacation!
Oliver's open house was great too!  His teacher is wonderful and I loved seeing all of his artwork!
Oliver seems to be adjusting just fine to Kindergarten.  He won the Monster Drawing contest!!!
He was beyond excited to tell me all about it when he got home! They said his name over the loudspeaker and that about blew his mind. That day he also got to ring the "clean up" bell, hold the gerbil during story time, and take a walk with Mr. Clark.  He told me, "IT WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!"
On Thursday this little guy joined our Komosinski gang!!!  Camden Scott is absolutely adorable and perfect in every way!!!!!
I even got to have a great Bookclub meeting with my favorite readers!!! 

So far the year has started out wonderful!!  I can't wait to see what 2015-2016 brings!!!

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