Sunday, September 6, 2015

First Days And Goals!!!!

Ok, I am very aware that I have missed a few blog posts over the summer.  In my defense, I have been very busy with my photography (which I am thrilled about) but I have definitely gotten behind with my memories!  I will be catching up on summer posts but first I need to blog about all of our first days of school!

Before I can start with our first days, I have to discuss Claire and Oliver's LAST DAY of Doodlebugs.
The kids have been at Doodelbugs since they were each 6 months old.  We have absolutely loved it there and the kids have made some amazing friends and learned so much.  We may do their summer camp in the future but last week was their last official day.  
Almost every school day for the last 8 years Mark has taken the kids to school and I have waved goodbye out the front window as they pull out.  
It is tough to see them but it was my last day of waving was last week.  I will miss seeing their little hands wave at me each morning.
Claire's first day of third grade was a day before Oliver's so she had Papa all to herself for one last day.  However, she did ask that Papa wait in the driveway and wave instead of walking her across the street.  She is getting so old! 
The next day, this happened!  Oliver started Kindergarten!!! 
 Here is my baby on his first day of Daycare!  I cannot believe how quickly he went from this to a Kindergartener!  He was pretty excited about his first day of daycare too :)
I can't even believe that he is this old!
My babies are getting so old!!
Nana and Papa came to see Oliver get on the bus for his big day!
And to see this big girl get on the bus for THIRD GRADE!
 My babies waiting for the bus.
Oliver waiting for the bus!  He was sooo excited!
Kissing his Daddy goodbye before his big day!
Climbing on for the first time.
And off he goes!!!
I couldn't wait to get him off the bus and hear all about his first day!
Here he is after his first day!
Notice he is missing his shirt ;)
No worries though, he just took it off because he was hot!

Now for our yearly Goals!
~To become a Spartan Beast.
~To become a 2 time Ironman finisher.
~To sell more real estate than ever before.
~To help each student achieve their personal best.
~To do all of these things while being a great husband and father.
~ To have patience!  My goal is to be patient with my family, friends, and students!
~To make at least one person feel special about themselves each day!
~To have a great school year with my new chickens!
~To support my children in everything that they do!
~To laugh as much as possible each day (hopefully til I cry).
~To let go of as much negativity as possible and focus on the positive!
~To learn to do multiplication.
~To get better at cursive writing.
~To learn to play the violin.
~To learn whatever the teacher tells me.
~I want to make my bed better and without any help.
~I want to take swim lessons.
~To go to the YMCA.

1 comment:

amy said...

I always love your back to school post!!