Monday, September 2, 2013

Summer's End

HIGH: We had a nice time with the family at the beach :)
LOW: Summer is officially over tomorrow :(
Well, it's official....summer is over.  Tomorrow we are back to school.  Claire doesn't start until Thursday and Mark and I won't have students until Thursday so I will do our annual "Goals" post then.  We spent a nice day at the beach with the family to mark the summer's end.  The weather was very iffy so I didn't get too many pictures but it was really a nice day.

This summer was amazing.  I am really ready to go back to work and settle into a nice routine but I am really going to miss my time with the kids.  We spent so much quality time together summer and I got to watch Claire and Oliver grow so much.  

Claire is quickly turning into a beautiful young lady.  She is so logical and mature it blows my mind.  She is loving and sweet and always listens.  I loved taking walks with her or driving in the car with her and just chatting away.  She loves to read and is really into anything science related.  I can't wait to see her learn more this school year.  None of her friends are in her class this year so it will be really interesting to see her make new friends and change into a first grader.  I love her so much and the thing that I will miss most about this summer with her is our mornings laying in bed watching tv before breakfast.

Oliver has changed from a baby to a little boy this summer.  He loves to make people laugh.  He is funny and sweet and hates to see anyone upset.  If Claire cries about anything he will run in the other room and grab a blanket or a guy and bring it to her to cheer her up.  He still loves trains and dinosaurs and I am not sure that will change any time soon.  I will miss him being a dinosaur or a train throughout the day.  He has gained such a little personality this summer (even though I didn't think it was possible for him to get anymore personality than he already had). I can't wait to see him grow in the three year old program at Doodlebugs.  I love him so much and the thing that I will miss most about this summer with him is him waking me up with a kiss each morning.  He would give me a kiss and then pull his stool in from the bathroom and climb into bed with me and snuggle me up (then ask Mark to take him downstairs because he knows I don't like to get up that early).

Overall I will miss just being together as a family all the time this summer.  Each day Claire would ask me, "What are we doing today Mom?"  and I was lucky enough to always have something planned. Mark and I are so lucky to be teachers and have summers with our kids.  We were really able to just spend time with the kids with no work restraints.  We have made some amazing memories this summer and I am sad that we will not be able to run to the zoo, the playground, or the beach on a whim.  But I can't wait to see what this year brings!  So, I say goodbye to summer but I say hello to fall, apple and pumpkin picking, Christmas, playing in the snow, dance lessons, religion classes, swim lessons, Easter, and many other great things!!!  

See you next year summer!!!! 

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